Monday, 17 January 2011

Textual Analysis - Contents Page - Big Cheese

The name of the magazine "The Big Cheese" is displayed on the top left hand corner, with the issue number beneath it.This gives a sense of brand identity. Underneath you get given the names of the people who work on the magazine e.g. Editor , Photographers. Their names are written in white and their contact details are written in blue. In red writing you get given an Address. Then at the bottom in white there is a billing address and information. All this information is displayed down the left hand side of the page. The black background makes the text stand out more and people would look at more.   Then next to this there is a letter from the editor, which most magazines display on the first page, discussing and talking about what is in the issue. But however its suprising they haven't included a picture of the editor, like other magazines.Again this is written in white text to make it stand out infront of a black background. The majority of the background on this page is white. Most of the colours are more themed with the kind of magazine being a "Rock Magazine". Beside the editors letter is the actual contents, which is written in red and doesn't clash with the background. Then theirs a heading above it that says Regulars which shows what regular things they publish in the magazine.You can see it clearly. It doesn't look that neat but that works effectivley again with the type of magazine it is, with the roughness.
Then you get given a picture of "Ozzy Osbourne"  at the bottom with a page number, so if you're interested where the picture is from you can go directly to that page. The picture however takes up most of the space on the page.
  This contents page is divided into 3 sections. But the actual contents seems a litte small, so it could suggest another contents page somewhere.

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