Friday, 11 March 2011

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

When making my magazine I wanted to do something that any teenager could like. I took inspiration from magazines like Q and Rolling Stone that feature many artists and bands from different genres. I think teenagers should have open minds when it comes to music and giving them a magazine that has a mixture so they can discover new music. Thats why I displayed different artists on the front cover.
I wanted to present a jazz kind of music like Michael Buble who is popular with young adults these days. Plus I didn't want to represent a sterotyped teenager who is only into rock music or pop music. I used black, white and red to give it that smooth edge and profesional look so my target audience would think so. I thought the red masthead would attract the audience and make the name stand out. As for the title "Eargasm"  I thought teenagers would like it because its an urban term for the pleasure you get from music and they'd think it was humourous. I got loads of feedback from my target audience saying how they liked that I tried to make it look profesional and that they'd actually buy it if it was in a shop. They said they liked the red masthead because it looks attractive. On my doublepaged spread they said they liked the picture because again it looks profesional and good quality and thats what they want to see. They commented on the theme saying its different and interesting.
Thats what I tried to do and I think it worked. I used a language thats not slang but formal enough for a young adults magazine. I wanted it to be as profesional as I could make it. Also, I tried to limit my text and pictures so that they're could be an equal amount because everyone gets bored with just plain old text so I tried to make it more attractive to look at by adding some images but also some text graphics so that its not boring.

   My audience feedback said they liked the name of the magazine and that its creative.

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